
Emacs, of course.

And not just boring old GNU Emacs, but new improved, easier on the eyes, gets your clothes cleaner Xemacs!

So here's my .emacs file and the .emacstuff directory that goes with it.

You actually just need the .emacstuff directory if you want to use this. Here's what to do:

  • Download emacstuff.tgz and untar it as /.emacstuff
  • Make a link between .emacstuff/dotemacs.el and /.emacs

    ln -s /.emacstuff/dotemacs.el /.emacs

  • Create a /.private.el file that looks something like:

    (setq user-full-name "Jonh Q. Luser") (setq user-mail-address "") (setq mail-host-address "mail") (setq ldap-default-host "ldap") (setq ldap-host-parameters-alist (quote (("" base ("ou=People,")))) (setq ldap-default-base "ou=People,")

  • (optional) copy the contents of .emacstuff/Xdefaults into your /.Xdefaults file.

Note: while my .emacs tries to be compatible with GNU Emacs, you will probably find that a bunch of files are missing if you actually try to use it with Emacs. That's because I assume that you use Xemacs' configuration mechanism to install a bunch of packages that don't come with GNU Emacs.

On the plus side, I do provide links to where you can get most of the packages I use inside my .emacs.

Here's a good place to start for Emacs info: emacsWiki

EmacsTidy - a very handy emacs function for cleaning up HTML files.

Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping


Whoa! the .emacs is fantastic. However, the duplicate-region function uses dot-marker, which is obsolete and has been removed for a while now.

(dot): Removed. (dot-marker): Removed.

use point-marker instead.

-- Kenneth

Our Founder
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