PhpWiki Warning: (512, Unsupported argument: format=printable, /var/www/phpwiki/lib/display.php, 443) HollenbackDotNet - House Of Shame Shadows


This picture really sums up my experiences living in Missoula, for reasons I can't fully explain.

The blurry one is Dr. Randy Bolton's son Julian. Last I heard, Julian was living up in Alaska and had a kid. I remember he used to take his saxophone and play in front of the bars for tips. He couldn't play worth a damn, but I think he made forty or fifty bucks a night. That buys a lot of 40s.

A note about the impermanence of art: I lost the negatives for the roll this picture is on. All I have is a couple of prints and a contact sheet. So in a certain sense, this picture is lost forever.


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