Command Line Twitter
My notes on setting up the command line twitter client ttytter on my Mac.
Install the ttytter readline module with
$ sudo cpan Term::ReadLine::TTYtter
This gives you a readline which counts total characters per line (VERY IMPORTANT).
my ~/.ttytterrc
ansi=1 verify=1 track='#sysadmin' readline=1 vcheck=1 mentions=1 urlopen=open %U avatar=open %U backload=40 simplestart=1 ssl=1 newline=1 exts=/Users/barney/.ttytter/ extpref_instapaper_password=badpass
mkdir ~/.ttytter
Put in the ~/.ttytter
directory: Extension code by @augmentedfourth # Add a command (/later) to add tweet to Instapaper #Released under the WTFPL: $addaction = sub { my $command = shift; if ($command =~ m#^/later (.+)#) { my $tweet_id=$1; my $tweet = &get_tweet($tweet_id); if (!$tweet->{'id_str'}) { print $stdout "-- sorry, no such tweet (yet?).\n"; return 1; } #modified to use .ttytterrc by @stormdragon2976 if ((!defined($extpref_instapaper_username)) || (!defined($extpref_instapaper_password))) { print $streamout ("Instapaper information not found. "); print $streamout ("Please add extpref_instapaper_username and extpref_instapaper_password "); print $streamout ("to your .ttytterrc.\n"); return 1; } my $ip_user = $extpref_instapaper_username; my $ip_pass = $extpref_instapaper_password; my $add_url="$tweet->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}/statuses/$tweet->{'id'}"; my $ip_url="" . $add_url . "&username=" . $ip_user . "&password=" . $ip_pass . "&auto-title=1"; my $content = `curl -s \"$ip_url\"`; if ($content =~ /201/){ print "Added to Instapaper!\n"; }else{ print "Something went wrong, not added. Error code: "; print "$content\n"; } return 1; } return 0; };
To Do
I really want to rewrite the instapaper extension as an exercise to make it all perl (and try using LWP::Simple). It would also be nice if the extension printed a 'trying to add to instapaper ... success!' sort of message instead of just waiting until success or failure to complete (although the asynchronous nature of ttytter may make that difficult).
I also really want to see if I can write an extension to use the api to shorten urls instead of using
Another fun idea: an extension that creates github gists from tweets or something along those lines.