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This is a list of the articles I've written for publication, with both links to the originals and local copies. I also keep a list of [less serious things|MyWebWritings] I've written on the internet. *[Point to Point Linux|] (subscription required) (October 2004 issue of [Linux Journal|]) - I wrote this about the work I did at Telemetry Investments creating a secure, robust connection between our office and our Disaster Recovery site. We did this with a T3, multiple T1s, and custom linux routers. *Local copy of [Point to Point Linux|PointToPointLinux] - read the article without subscribing to Linux Journal. *[PtpRpmQa] - a full listing of all the RPMs used to create the minimal Fedora install. *[Bloglines, Flickr, and make RSS delectable|] (online October 13 2004 on [newsforge|]) - An overview of how to use RSS feeds to manage information with three web-based tools. * Local copy of [Bloglines, Flickr, and|BloglinesFlickrDelicious]. * [Using Firefox's mozex extension to call an external mail program|] (online October 15 2004 on [newsforge|])- Instructions on how to configure the Firefox web browser to open mailto: links with the mozex extension. * Local copy of [Using Firefox's mozex extension to call an external mail program|FirefoxMozexExtension]. * [Even tastier|] (online November 4 2004 on [newsforge|]) - additional tip and tricks for using the social bookmark manager. * Local copy of [Even tastier|EvenTastierDelicious]. *[Scripting with dmidecode|] (online December 23 2004 on [newsforge|]) - analysis of a script I wrote to use dmidecode and some other tools to provide information about the CPUs in a system. *Local copy of [Scripting with dmidecode|DmiDecodeScripting]. *[A Killer App: PDF Editor|] (online January 6 2004 on [|]) - how to edit pdf files under linux. * Local copy of [A Killer App: PDF Editor|KillerAppPdfEditor]. *[How To Use Mutt, Fastmail, and Together on Your Mac|] (online January 18 2005 on [Mac DevCenter|]) - integrating the Mac OS X mail appliction with the console mail program Mutt and the webmail service *Local copy of [How To Use Mutt, Fastmail, and Together on Your Mac|MuttFastmailMailappMac]. *[Linux Server Management with IPMI|] (in March 2005 issue of Sys Admin Magazine) - how to use IPMI to control servers running Linux. Subscription-only site, but the editor kindly gave me a direct link and permission to post it here. *Local copy of [Linux Server Management with IPMI|LinuxServerManagementIpmi]. *[Convert a Windows System to Dual Boot Linux|] (online February 22 2004 on [newsforge|]) - How to add linux to your windows system by installing a second hard drive. *Local copy of [Convert a Windows System to Dual Boot Linux|WindowsLinuxDualBoot]. *[Motion: Your Eye in the Sky for Computer Room Surveillance|] (in March 2005 issue of [Linux Journal|] magazine) - how to monitor your computer room using a network-attached camera and the free motion-detection software Motion. *Local copy of [Motion|MotionEyeInSky]. *A report on the [USENIX 2005 Conference day 1|], [day 2|], and [day 3|] (April 2005 on [|]) - summary of each day of this year's conference in Anaheim, CA. *Local copy of [my Usenix 2005 Report|Usenix2005Report]. *[Redundant Routers with Linux and Keepalived|] (online April 15 2005 on [|]) - a brief howto about configuring redundant routers on a network using the VRRP protocol. *Local copy of [Redundant Routers|RedundantRouters]. *[Rendering Everything As Text|] (online May 26 2005 on [LinuxDevCenter|]) - how to convert arbitrary data into textual representations. *Local copy of [Rendering Everything As Text|RenderingEverythingAsText]. *[Improving Network Reliability with Keepalived|] (online Septemper 1 2005 on [LinuxDevCenter|]) - how to increase network reliability with multiple routers running VRRP via Keepalived. *Local copy of [Network Reliability|KeepalivedForNetworkReliability]. *[Custom Scripting Gives Users a safe-du|] (online December 7, 2005 on [|]) - An overview of a perl script wrapper I developed for finer-grained control of du on linux. * Local copy of [safe-du|SafeDu]. *[Aging PowerBook Upgrade by a Linux/OS X Geek|] (online June 7, 2006 on [MacDevCenter|]) - My thoughts on upgrading a Powerbook to Tiger and configuring the system in a linux-friendly way. * Local copy of PowerbookUpgrade. * [Using screen for Remote Interaction|] (online August 27, 2006 on [|]) - how to use the unix utility __screen__ to share command-line interaction and long-distance teaching. * Local copy of TeachingWithScreen. *[Firefox as a Desktop Environment|FirefoxDesktop] - I originally wrote this for an online publication but it was rejected so I'm posting it here. *[Process monitoring with ps-watcher|] - Using the free tool ps-watcher to monitor and react to process information on your linux or unix machine. * Local copy of ''ps-watcher'' - coming soon. ----- <?plugin RawHtml <center> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5011581245921339"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_channel =""; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </center> ?>
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