Diff: MyArticles

Differences between current version and previous revision of MyArticles.

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Newer page: version 76 Last edited on March 22, 2012 8:04 am by PhilHollenback
Older page: version 75 Last edited on March 11, 2012 2:46 pm by PhilHollenback Revert
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 This is a list of the articles I've written for publication, with both links to the originals and local copies. 
-I also keep a list of [less serious things|MyWebWritings] I've written on the internet.  
-I've moved my contributions for the [Sysadvent Blog|http://sysadvent.blogspot.com/] to a [special location|SysadventArticles].  
 * [Point to Point Linux|http://linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=7661] ([Local Copy|PointToPointLinux]) (October 2004 issue of [Linux Journal|http://linuxjournal.com]) - I wrote this about the work I did at Telemetry Investments creating a secure, robust connection between our office and our Disaster Recovery site using a custom linux setup. 
 * [Bloglines, Flickr, and del.icio.us make RSS delectable|http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=04/10/11/1342245] ([Local Copy|BloglinesFlickrDelicious]) (online October 13 2004 on [newsforge|http://www.newsforge.com]) - An overview of how to use RSS feeds to manage information with three web-based tools. 
 * [Using Firefox's mozex extension to call an external mail program|http://internet.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=04/10/12/1644203&tid=144] ([Local Copy|FirefoxMozexExtension]) (online October 15 2004 on [newsforge|http://www.newsforge.com]) - Instructions on how to configure the Firefox web browser to open mailto: links with the mozex extension. 
@@ -22,7 +18,12 @@
 * [Aging PowerBook Upgrade by a Linux/OS X Geek|http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2006/06/07/aging-powerbook-upgrade.html] ([Local Copy|PowerbookUpgrade]) (online June 7, 2006 on [MacDevCenter|http://macdevcenter.com]) - My thoughts on upgrading a Powerbook to Tiger and configuring the system in a linux-friendly way. 
 * [Using screen for Remote Interaction|http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/08/14/1945249] ([Local Copy|TeachingWithScreen]) (online August 27, 2006 on [Linux.com|http://linux.com]) - how to use the unix utility __screen__ to share command-line interaction and long-distance teaching. 
 * [Firefox as a Desktop Environment|FirefoxDesktop] - I originally wrote this for an online publication but it was rejected so I'm posting it here. 
 * [Process monitoring with ps-watcher|http://www.linux.com/feature/148189] ([Local Copy|PsWatcher]) (online September 28, 2008 on [Linux.com|http://linux.com]) - Using the free tool ps-watcher to monitor and react to process information on your linux or unix machine. 
-* [In -Flight Mechanics|http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa10/tech/full_papers/Hollenback.pdf] (pdf) ([Local Copy|http://www.hollenback.net/writings/Lisa -2010 -paper -Hollenback.pdf]) - paper I wrote and presented at the LISA '10 conference about a large software conversion project .  
- * [Presentation slides |http://www .usenix .org /events/lisa10/tech/slides/hollenback.pdf ] ( [Local Copy |http://www .hollenback.net/writings/Lisa-2010- slides-Hollenback .pdf]) (pdf)  
- * [Presentation audio|http://www.usenix.org/media/events/lisa10/tech/mp3/hollenback.mp3] (mp3)  
+ -----  
+I also keep a list of [less serious things|MyWebWritings] I've written on the internet .  
+I've moved my contributions for the [Sysadvent Blog |http://sysadvent .blogspot .com /] to a [special location |SysadventArticles] .  
+You can find videos and slides from presentations I've given over on MyPresentations

current version

This is a list of the articles I've written for publication, with both links to the originals and local copies.

I also keep a list of less serious things I've written on the internet.

I've moved my contributions for the Sysadvent Blog to a special location.

You can find videos and slides from presentations I've given over on MyPresentations.

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