
The SystemInfo plugin provides access to lower level system information for the platform PhpWiki is installed on.


         <<SystemInfo all>>
      or <<SystemInfo pagestats cachestats discspace hitstats>>
      or <<SystemInfo version>>
      or <<SystemInfo current_theme>>
      or <<SystemInfo PHPWIKI_DIR>>


Application name PhpWiki
PhpWiki engine version 1.5.4
Cache statistics cached pagedata: 4, cached versiondata: 4
Page statistics 1445 pages, 1445 not-empty pages
User statistics 0 homepages
Hit statistics total hits: 40619330, max: 3686740, mean: 28110.263, median: 7839, stddev: 167.719; 1428 pages with less than 368674 hits (<10%). 1 page(s) with more than 3318066 hits (>90%).
Harddisc usage Application size: 18796 KiB
Expiry parameters Keep up to 8 major edits, but keep them no longer than 32 days. Keep up to 4 minor edits, but keep them no longer than 7 days. Keep the latest contributions of the last 8 authors up to 365 days. Additionally, try to keep the latest contributions of all authors in the last 7 days (even if there are more than 8 of them,) but in no case keep more than 20 unique author revisions.
Wikiname regexp (?<![[:alnum:]])(?:[[:upper:]][[:lower:][:digit:]]+){2,}(?![[:alnum:]])
Allowed protocols http https mailto ftp news nntp ssh gopher
Inline images png jpg jpeg gif
Available plugins Total 139 plugins: AddComment, AllPages, AllUsers, AnalyseAccessLogSql, AppendText, AsciiMath, AsciiSVG, AtomFeed, AuthorHistory, BackLinks, BlogArchives, BlogJournal, BoxRight, CacheTest, Calendar, CalendarList, CategoryPage, Chart, Comment, CreateBib, CreatePage, CreateToc, CurrentTime, DeadEndPages, DebugAuthInfo, DebugBackendInfo, DebugGroupInfo, DebugRetransform, Diff, DynamicIncludePage, EditMetaData, ExternalSearch, FacebookLike, FileInfo, FoafViewer, FullTextSearch, FuzzyPages, GoogleMaps, GooglePlugin, GoTo, GraphViz, HelloWorld, HtmlConverter, IncludePage, IncludePages, IncludePhoto, IncludeSiteMap, IncludeTree, InterWikiSearch, JabberPresence, LdapSearch, LikePages, LinkDatabase, LinkSearch, ListPages, ListRelations, ListSubpages, MediawikiTable, ModeratedPage, MostPopular, NewPagesPerUser, NoCache, OldStyleTable, OrphanedPages, PageDump, PageGroup, PageHistory, PageInfo, PageTrail, PasswordReset, PhotoAlbum, PhpHighlight, Ploticus, PluginManager, PopularNearby, PopularTags, PopUp, PreferenceApp, PreferencesInfo, PrevNext, Processing, RandomPage, RateIt, RawHtml, RecentChanges, RecentChangesCached, RecentComments, RecentEdits, RecentReferrers, RedirectTo, RelatedChanges, RichTable, RssFeed, SearchHighlight, SemanticRelations, SemanticSearch, SemanticSearchAdvanced, SiteMap, SpellCheck, SqlResult, SyncWiki, SyntaxHighlighter, SystemInfo, Template, TeX2png, text2png, TexToPng, TitleSearch, Transclude, TranslateText, UnfoldSubpages, UpLoad, UriResolver, UserPreferences, UserRatings, Video, VisualWiki, WantedPages, WatchPage, WhoIsOnline, WikiAdminChown, WikiAdminDeleteAcl, WikiAdminPurge, WikiAdminRemove, WikiAdminRename, WikiAdminSearchReplace, WikiAdminSelect, WikiAdminSetAcl, WikiAdminSetAclSimple, WikiAdminSetExternal, WikiAdminUtils, WikiBlog, WikicreoleTable, WikiForm, WikiFormRich, WikiForum, WikiPoll, WikiTranslation, YouTube
Supported languages Total of 9 languages: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, sv, zh. Current language: en
Supported themes Total of 14 themes: blog, Crao, default, Hawaiian, Hollenback, MacOSX, MonoBook, Portland, shamino_com, Sidebar, smaller, SpaceWiki, wikilens, Wordpress. Current theme: Hollenback

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